Thursday, October 29, 2009

Geoff's Induction

Hey Everyone

This Sunday, November 1, 2009 will be Geoff's Induction Service at St. Martins Baptist Church. I can't wait!

We are very happy to be here ministering to the people in St. Martins. On top of that with Geoff not in school there is more time to minister. What a blessing that is.

Here is a quick up-date on all of us:

Brianna is in the middle of mid-terms at ABU. She is doing well but has had some bumps the last few weeks. Even though they have been hard to get through Brianna has handled them with grace and love, putting Christ first. I'm so proud of her and everything that she has accomplished.

Ben is doing well in school and loves our Youth Group here. He is growing and maturing so fast that it's hard to keep up with it all.

Geoff is busy with the church but is very diligent in keeping Fridays off. Some weeks it just doesn't work but he does his best.

I am teaching a women's Sunday School class and I've been asked to speak at a few events and retreats. God is changing me and working in me so much so that there are times Geoff wonders who the woman is he's married too. :)

We are all excited about Christmas coming (me more than the rest). The tree and village go up in two weeks!!!! Yep, you read that right - two weeks people!!!! I've already started singing "Jingle Bells"!

Have a great week everyone!
God Bless

1 comment:

Bri said...

kind of glad I won't be there the entire time lol