Monday, October 30, 2006

207 Years Old

Hey Everyone

Yesterday Newport Baptist Church celebrated their 207th Anniversary. Our church is one of the oldest churches in the Atlantic Provinces. We had a good service. We sang, prayed, ate (like all Baptists do) and we talked about reaching our community for Christ.

Our church is the only Baptist church within a 15 minute drive in any direction. There is a huge opportunity to minister to people. There are a lot of things Geoff wants to do in this church but it will take time.

Have you ever noticed that the dunderhead downstairs (Satan) uses fear to rule us? Christians are afraid to leave their homes to share their faith with others. We can't let "old dunderhead" win! Every person you don't talk to about God is another person Satan gets. YUCK! We need to start talking, and talking, and talking about God's wonderful gift of Salavtion! And then we need to show them by the way we live. Make God Lord of your life so others can see who He is everyday.


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